Tuesday, July 22, 2008

George Inness paintings

George Inness paintings
George Frederick Watts paintings
fireball, or bolide, that penetrated the Earth's atmosphere above Canada.Similarly, the 263 sightings in 2000 only produced 34 cases that remained unknown after further investigation by UFOROM and its provincial counterparts.Of those 34, only 12 were considered "high-quality," based on assessments that considered the reports for factors like the colour of the object that was seen, the reliability of the information that witnesses were able to provide, and the perceived strangeness of the incident."If a person sees a light in the sky that doesn't move and just sits there, chances are it's a star and the strangeness of that report is pretty low," said Mr. Rutkowski."But if they're watching this star and it gets bigger and bigger and turns

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