Monday, October 20, 2008

Henri Matisse Goldfish painting

Henri Matisse Goldfish painting
Henri Matisse Blue Nude I 1952 painting
Gennanicus treated Segestes and his household very kindly, giving them an estate on the Western side of the Rhine. Hermann, who was enraged at his wife's capture, feared that Germanicus's clemency might induce other German chieftains to make overtures of peace. He built up a strong new confederation of tribes, including some which had always hitherto been friendly to Rome. Gennanicus was undaunted. The more Germans he had in the field openly against him, the better he was pleased. He never trusted them as allies.
And before the summer was out he had beaten them in a series
Cassius Marcellus Coolidge A Friend in Need painting
battles, forced Segimerus to surrender and won back the first of the three lost Eagles, that of the Nineteenth Regiment. He also visited the scene of Varus's defeat and gave the bones of his comrades-in-arms a decent burial, laying the first sod of their tomb with his own hands. .The General who had behaved so supinely in the mutiny fought bravely at the bead of his corps, and on one occasion turned what had seemed a hopeless defeat into a creditable victory

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