Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring painting

Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring paintingJohannes Vermeer girl with the pearl earring paintingGustav Klimt The Three Ages of Woman painting
whether Germanicus was in command. When they answered yes, he asked whether they would take him a message. The message was:
"Hermann's courteous greetings to Gennanicus, and might he be permitted speech with his brother?" This was a brother of Hermann's called, in German, something like Goldkopf, or at any rate a name so barbarous that it was impossible to transliterate it into Latin-as "Hermann" had been made into "Arminius", or as declaration of his continued loyalty to Rome, repudiating all the family ties which bound him to his treacherous brother Hermann. In the next year's campaign of Tiberius and Gennanicus he had fought bravely and lost an eye. Gennanicus asked Flavius whether he wished to address his brother"Siegmyrgth" into "Segimems"; so it was translated as Flavius, meaning the golden-headed. Flavius had been in the Roman Army for years, and being at Lyons at the time of the disaster of Varus had there made a

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